Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Buddy Guy -- Whad' He Say??

One Night at the Trucker's Home.... some fellas dropped in and animated the place

thecrimsonfloyd (2 days ago)

buddy guy always steals the show.
xxxVoodoou22xxx (1 week ago)

great jam....buddy guy stole the show...
conradbkk (1 week ago)

Elton John faded out with the covered wagon... sodomites (oops I mean musical geniuses) like him and michael jackson should not be throwing stones...
Awfulartist (2 weeks ago)

So that was Gary Busey! Did he get a solo?
It would've been great to hear Reed's solo (if he had one); imagine how that wouldv'e sound.
ElmoLewiss (2 weeks ago)

elton john the sodomite saying sam kinison is a pig, what a piece of shit.
Lovepuffs (2 weeks ago)

gary" fuck rehab" busey!!!
scrap997 (3 weeks ago)

how can they do that!?!? you can't cut off Bo Diddley! that's treason!
endofsomething (3 weeks ago)

Buddy Guy is brilliant! Good taste award for you. lol. Have you heard his '68 record 'Man & The Blues'? If not I recommend it wholeheartedly.


- C sXe
endofsomething (3 weeks ago)

Spoiled by the corporate sponsorship and voice-over at the end. Would've liked to see more from BD, SRV, LR and others. Buddy Guy Rules. Good jam anyway.

- C sXe
grabmyrocket (1 month ago)

Fuck Mitsubishi Motors

1 comment:

Pribek said...

I know exactly what he talking about.