Friday, December 12, 2008

Have you ever been Abducted? -- and -- How do you know?

by Jack Pribek | November 12, 2007

Have you ever seen a U.F.O.?

Before Halloween, AP/Ipsos conducted a poll in which a little over 14 percent of the people said they had seen one.

Then Democratic Presidential hopeful Dennis Kucinich, said that he had seen one; At Shirley MacLaine’s place.

Today there is this from Breitbart.

UFOs may be fodder for comedians and science fiction but there was no joking Monday when a group of pilots and officials demanded the US government reopen an investigation into unidentified flying objects.

The 19 former pilots and government officials, who say they have seen UFOs themselves or been involved in probes of strange flying objects, told reporters their questions can no longer be dismissed more than 30 years after the US case was closed.

“We want the US government to stop perpetuating the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth, conventional terms,” said Fife Symington, former governor of Arizona and air force pilot who says he saw a UFO himself in 1997.

“Instead our country needs to reopen its official investigation that it shut down in 1969,” Symington told a news conference.

Symington read an appeal on behalf of the group of who came to Washington to recount their sightings of UFOs.

“We believe that for reasons of both national security and flight safety, every country should make an effort to identify any object in its airspace,” the statement said.

Here is what I wonder; Are Fife and this crew (not to mention Kucinich, MacLaine, Jimmy Carter…) part of that 14 percent or, is that number, in truth, a lot higher?

One thing I have done, quite a few times is, bring up the UFO question at a party where people were drinking. I would do this to deliberately sabotage the party for my own entertainment. I have never seen it fail. I’ve seen fist fights break out over the UFO topic.

It always seemed to me that UFOs were a polarizing issue, that half the people believed and the other half thought those people were nuts.

Maybe, half the people believe in UFOs and only 14 percent have seen them; I don’t know.

Maybe, people are more likely to fess up to seeing a UFO when they are drinking because, I don’t recall ever being anyplace where I asked; “Has anybody ever seen a UFO?”, that several folks didn’t say yes they had.

Personally, I’ve never seen one. I mean, I’ve seen stuff in the sky late at night that I couldn’t identify but, nothing that ever looked like a spaceship or the like.

UFO Compilation - The best video clips are here

therefore, Pat wrote this nonsense: If I prove the negative, does that prove the positive?
by Pat Darnell | February 6, 2008
UFO type symbols/codes appear in old paintings, and ancient art work passed down through the ages. Some images are set in stone. If I were to surmise, which is a nice way of saying “make a wild ass guess,” I surmise the fabulous flying machines do exist.

After some broke-back vascilating most of my life because my own dad used to say “Well, why aren’t there any pictures of UFO’s?” I made a decision later in life that the reason they don’t exist has more to do with a human trait, than the probability.

Life forms of earth’s surface, including us, have a tendency to stay focussed on the real estate surrounding them. As any earth trekking creature starts looking up, instead of around, this creature is bound to become some other’s meal. Even those of us who walk on two legs instead of four, we are prone to the same predator vigilance.

Say I start looking up more and more, at work, at school, at events: You know the name calling: “Head in the clouds; wise ass; eat up with a dumbass; Dreamer; slackard; queer…”

So let me explain from a pragmatic stance: I learned in design school to venture my gaze above three degrees over the horizon. You see Timmy, it turns out, humans rarely look higher than three degrees above the point where sky meets land. It is pretty much a given rule of thumb.

Therefore, UFO sightings are rare, due to spectators rarely looking up. I think the UFO pilots also know this about us: “Glick, keep that bubble above 4*, gleek, zzippp, ba-dunka dunk.”

Consider this as a standard proof, that we humans are architects of our own environments: therefore upper floors of high-rise buildings have no decorative elements, as the building height gets beyond the “pedestrian level.”

You might say: “What a load of crap.” Well, to prove this try going for a walk in Chicago downtown, and keep you head tilted up so you can see the upper floors and tops of the skyscrapers. Do it all day and at the end of the day let me know how your neck feels.

UFO phenom is above the President’s ability to view as well. Most presidents are looking out for assasins all the time. So,I feel that is why Geo W decided, because he is the “Decider,” to build a residence on the moon before 2020. He apparently wants to be the first to acknowledge ET living. I can’t blame him since he let every one in the free world down to become the hitman for the Saudi Kings, who own 7% of the US GDP.

Turn-about is still fair play, isn’t it? Someone showed W the big old full moon through an open window, and he is reported to might have said, “Anybody got squatter rights up there?”

So, guys, UFO’s do exist. Identification, and comparisons and Who pilots them, would take some empirical frame of reference available to the general public.
_____________*~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @>
“Wow, look at that watermelon. ‘Scuse me, I gotta forage awhile… we’ll pickup here tomorrow.” >pd

Pat’s last real blog post..Real Issues / Real Candidates

Link | February 6th, 2008 at 10:52 am


Pribek said...

I must say that, every since I saw your well-written response to this post that I had completely forgotten about, I have taken it upon myself to carry a protractor at all times. Thus, insuring that my gaze is at least 4 degrees over the horizon.
Still haven't seen any spaceships.

d2r2 said...

You know Jack, that 4 degree thing is pretty important. I don't like to always fall back on the mundane but today I sold several thousand dollars worth of camo gear to humans who were getting ready to position themselves somewhere between 15 and 30 degrees. That foraging deer wasn't going to look up there. If they do, they see you and don't walk out for you to unload 180 grains of lead at them, camo or not.

Maybe all of the aliens, in their spaceships, have figured camo out and all we have noticed are malfunctions of the systems. We need to remember they must have traveled some unfathomable distance to get here. They're smart and advanced. Lucky for us it is probably tough to transport the heavy weaponry across light years.

They are scouting us for that tendency to keep or gazes at 3 degrees or less. Keep looking higher Jack, you might be our only hope.

Pribek said...

I'm not so sure these suburban deer aren't evolving and looking skyward. I saw the two biggest bucks I've ever seen in these parts (two separate occasions) smack in the middle of gun season, relaxed and chillin' not a quarter mile from where the SUVs were parked that brought the day trippin' hunters to the hollow. Perhaps they've caught on to the idea that the 260 pound, belching figure in the Carharts up in that tree, has it in for them.
..."Maybe all of the aliens, in their spaceships, have figured camo out and all we have noticed are malfunctions of the systems."... Is an excellent point. I'll an eye peeled.

d2r2 said...

The man with the gun seems to be
" dumbing down" while the innocent prey seems to be "looking up", so to speak.

I wanted to warn you, Jack, I read that the population center of the U.S. of A. is somewhere in Missouri, maybe the Southeast quad. Keep your eyes peeled, aliens might be getting censused.

Pribek said...

Something to keep in mind; these particular deer are acorn fed, no grain fields hereabouts. So, it's not being handed to them. Alternately, the same type of societal shift that has taken place among Harley riders, ie; they used to be drug dealers now they are lawyers and consultants, is going on with the man holding the gun.

Missouri is the population center as well as the epicenter of cultural evolution (Scott Joplin, Mark Twain, Walt Disney, Harry Truman, Charlie Parker etc.etc.etc.) so, there can be no doubt that it is also in otherworldly cross hairs.

Bubbalina said...

I had the urgent need to inform both of you that by reading your posts I was very entertained and that produced a big smile and laughter.
Keep up the good work.

Pribek said...

Awww shucks Ma'am, you're too kind.